F100 eBike Oil

Sale price49,90 lei

Maximum wear protection for e-bike chains under a lot of stress

The Problem:

An electric bicycle driving gear exerts significantly more force on the chain than a gear without electric support. In addition, mileage and environmental influences, such as rain and dirt, negatively impact the running of the chain, leading to increased wear.

Product Advantages:

  • Less friction and wear (smooth running and longer service life)
  • Strong adhesive bond, even with intense usage

  • Good water displacement properties – prevents corrosion and leakage current in case of plug contact
  • Minimizes battery self-discharge by preventing creep currents
  • Increases battery life
  • Excellent creeping ability

Application Areas:

For chain and electrical contacts on the e-bike


Use as Spray ( 2830):

Shake can intensively before use. Apply a thin film of F100 E-Bike Chain-Oil to the inside of the clean and dry chain and allow to air for approx. 5 minutes. Then wipe off excess oil using a dry cloth. In case of electrical contacts apply with cloth soaked in oil.

Use as Dropping Bottle (3231)

Shake dropper bottle intensively before use. Apply F100 E-Bike Chain-Oil to the inside of the clean and dry chain. Wipe off excess oil using a dry cloth. In case of electrical contacts apply with cloth soaked in oil.

Please note: Before use, clean chain with F100 Chain-Cleaner. Do not use on brake discs and brake pads, tyres or saddles.


Size: 50ml (Bottle)